From Double Above-Knee Amputee to Everest - Hari Budha Magar
Hari Budha Magar: EP 43
From Double Above-Knee Amputee to Everest
In this Find Your Finish Line episode, I'm joined by an extraordinary individual, Hari Budha Magar. Hailing from Nepal in South Asia, Hari is a mountaineer and adventurer who has broken multiple records in his career. But what sets Hari apart is his incredible resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
In 2010, Hari was serving as a British soldier in Afghanistan when he lost both his legs above the knee to an IED. Many people might have been discouraged by such a life-changing event, but Hari refused to be held back by his physical limitations. He went on to become the first ever double above-knee amputee to summit a mountain over 6,000 meters or 19,000 feet. And now, he's gearing up for his most ambitious challenge yet – to become the first DAK to summit Mount Everest in late April, 2023. Join us as we dive into Hari's remarkable story and learn about his journey to the top of the world's highest peak.
Help Fund Hari's Project here.
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